Friday, July 24, 2009

Indigenous Creatures

Rarely seen by the human eye, the common Toilet Paper Fairy or TPF works to ensure a full roll of toilet paper is installed in every WC. We know they exist by the results of their hard work to make certain there is a always a full roll on every dispenser in a building. Toilet Paper Fairies like to keep busy and as such are usually found only in places where there are many dispensers to keep filled, usually hotels or office buildings. Occasionally the TPF is found in a private residence, but only when the owner has bribed them to stay with the promise of an unlimited supply of rolled paper product. More often private homes are not lucky enough to have a TPF, although some do have part time Fairies that flit through each place they are responsible for to check the status of the rolls, taking action as appropriate. Sadly, in a place that does not have a TPF on staff, the people living or working there must take it upon themselves to do the Toilet Paper Fairy's work. Most find that devising some sort of system to make sure that there is always a back up roll nearby helps eliminate problems when there is an unexpected outage.

As our lives become filled with hobbies and other experiences outside the home, the TPF workload has become heavier and the expectation of a full roll appearing on every dispenser as if by magic has become folly. Do your part in helping to keep the workload manageable for the TPF, keep your dispenser full and devise a back up system for those times where you just need to have more. Your local, hardworking Toilet Paper Fairy will thank you.

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